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Frequently Asked Questions

Referee Director: Ray Almeida - [email protected]

How do I get paid?

Ashland Youth Soccer:

·         All intown referees - 2nd/3rd Grade intown- $18.00


·         All travel referees - Center and assistanct referees, refer to []


How long is my badge good for?

Your badge is good for two seasons (Spring and Fall) annually.  You must recertify annually to be a travel referee.  Recertification instructions can be found at


What should I do if a coach or spectator violates the "ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY"?

Soccer is meant to be fun and safe, and the Zero Tolerance Policy helps to ensure that happens. All coaches, and in turn parents of players, have been advised of the policy. Find the Zero Tolerance Policy here:

· []

If anyone violates the Zero Tolerance Policy at a game in Ashland, please notify the Referee Director, Ray Almeida at 508-878-9103 IMMEDIATELY. 

Do not complete your game report until you have spoken to Ray.


Do I need to do a game report?

All Travel games (BAYS) need a completed game report (in the same section of the BAYS website as game acceptance) to get paid.


In Town referees need to submit an emailed game report to the assignor, Ray Almeida ([email protected]) in order to be paid and should include:

·         Final Score

·         Halftime Score

·         Start Time of Game

·         End Time of game

·         Field conditions

·         Any additional items worthy of consideration (i.e., Zero tolerance, serious injury, etc.


I am about to ref my first travel game but it is a 3rd/4th grade game. How does this compare to an intown game?

Take some time to read through the Travel rules before the game: click here [].

Look at the special rules for BAYS 7v7: click here [].


         Some similarities to In-Town games:

·         Field size and One ref - NO OFFSIDE

·         7 players for each team on field

·         If ball goes over half-line from goal kick or keeper release without touching ground or a player, indirect kick goes to other team at half-line.

·         No HEADING of the ball – Indirect Free kick for the opposing team if the ball is headed.


         Some differences from In-Town games:

·         You will check the teams in with rosters at the beginning of the game. Each coach will give you 2 rosters – 1 for you to keep and 1 to give to the other coach.

·         30-minute halves

·         On goal kicks, ball must be placed within goal box (little box) instead of anywhere within the penalty area (big box)

·         Kicks can be indirect or direct, depending on the infraction.

·         Cards can be issued.

·         Can no longer substitute on other team’s throw-ins unless that team is also subbing at the same time.

·         On an improper throw-in, throw goes to the other team instead of allowing the player to retake the throw.


 I am about to ref my first game, but its a 9v9 game. What should I keep in mind?


Take some time to read through the Travel rules before the game: click here []



Ball can now be kicked over half-line on goal kicks and keeper releases.

5th & 6th grade games are 9v9; 7/8th grade and higher games are 11v11.

You will now usually work in a group of 3, with a center and 2 ARs.


What is the length of quarters/halves for the different age groups?

·         InTown (2nd & 3rd grade): 25-minute halves

·         3rd/4th/5th/6th Grade 7v7 & 9v9: 30-minute halves

·         7th/8th Grade 11v11: 35-minute halves

·         9th/10th Grade 11v11: 40-minute halves

·         11th/12th Grade 11v11: 45-minute halves


If the weather is questionable, how do I know if the game will be played or not?

If the weather is questionable, check the AYS website before going to the field. The website will be updated as necessary. Once everyone is at the field, it is your call as to whether the field is playable, and conditions are safe to play the game.  If you hear thunder or see a flash of lightning – you must stop the game immediately and wait until 30 minutes after the last thunder crack or flash of lightning has occurred – whichever is later.


I Have a question that is not answered here. Who do I contact?  

Reach out to Ray Almeida, Hopkinton Referee Assignor  [email protected]


Ashland Youth Soccer
PO BOX 363 
Ashland, Massachusetts 01721

Email: [email protected]

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